Please note that your donation through this website will go towards #GivingTuesday Campaign

Target:  $23,000

  • $12,163.77


  • $12,163.77


  • 0

    Days Left

  • 64


GivingTuesday – the global day of giving

Canada, join us on November 28th, 2023

GivingTuesday is a global movement for giving and volunteering, taking place each year after Black Friday. The “Opening day of the giving season,” it’s a time when charities, companies and individuals join together and rally for favourite causes. In the same way that retailers take part in Black Friday, the giving community comes together for GivingTuesday.

GivingTuesday harnesses the potential of social media and the generosity of people around the world to bring about real change in their communities; it provides a platform for them to encourage the donation of time, resources and talents to address local challenges. It also brings together the collective power of a unique blend of partners – nonprofits, civic organizations, businesses and corporations, as well as families and individuals – to encourage and amplify small acts of kindness. Across Canada and around the world, GivingTuesday unites communities by sharing our capacity to care for and empower one another.

“We have two days that are good for the economy.

Now we have a day that is good for the community too.”

About S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Help Line 

This GivingTuesday, we invite our donors and supporters to join our GivingTuesday campaign to invest in our success. Your donation will help fund the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. counselling helplines, which have supported people looking for advice, emotional support and community resources for 20 years.

Our Help Lines provide a safe and supportive environment for residents who are in need of mental health or social support but who experience language or cultural barriers to access services. Through our Help Lines, callers are bridged to appropriate community programs and supports. The Help Lines are supported by the S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation charitable organization and your donation will help us greatly such as conducting training workshops for the volunteers and expand the service in general.

This year, we have added a Ukrainian Language option, you can watch our Ukrainian Help Line video to learn more of what we do to support our community.

Nadiya Skorenko is a volunteer for our Help Line program, serving the Ukrainian-speaking community.  Since the start of the war in Ukraine, Nadiya anticipated that some Ukrainians might come to Canada and would require assistance with interpretation, learning new ways of doing things, and settlement information. She explained that callers often require emotional support and someone to talk to, as being in a foreign country without friends or family can be complicated. Most Ukrainian immigrants coming to Canada may be traumatized and need support to start from the ground all over again. Some of her clients had emotional breakdowns or were in a constant state of being overwhelmed as they came with little kids and were sometimes pregnant.

Nadiya notes that due to bias and stigma in our culture, it’s not easy to open up about mental health needs. She completed the volunteer training, which covered a wide range of topics such as active listening, a non-judgmental attitude, proper introduction, and approach. Nadiya emphasizes the importance of discussing the caller’s current issue so that they feel safe talking about anything. The Help Line program is a positive initiative because it can gradually break down old biases about mental health and help our culture become more willing to share and support.

“It is crucial to feel that one can survive instead of staying in one place in fear,” said Nataliia Bondarenko, one of our Help Line volunteers, when discussing the experiences of people during war in their home country. After receiving a lot of help from others when she came to Canada, Nataliia now wants to give back and considers it a great honour to support other Ukrainians through the Help Line.

Ukrainian immigrants in Vancouver face emotional challenges, primarily social isolation due to language barriers and war-related stress. Adapting to a completely different society and cultural norms is also challenging. Nataliia explains that Ukrainians who come to Canada due to war never imagined themselves as immigrants, so they were not prepared for the language barrier or the immigration process. The Help Line volunteers prioritize confidentiality and have received professional training to provide emotional support and refer callers to appropriate resources. They use active listening and careful questioning to understand and assess the situation, prioritizing the caller’s safety and well-being. By providing a safe and supportive space, the helpline empowers callers to overcome challenges and move forward towards a brighter future.

How will you participate to support?

S.U.C.C.E.S.S Foundation is proud to be a part of the #GivingTuesday movement, and we hope that you all will support by making a gift to S.U.C.C.E.S.S. Foundation online.

Your generous donation will help to fund vital programs which will support unfunded S.U.C.C.E.S.S. services in our community. These include our counseling help lines, which help people looking for advice, emotional support and community resources. Your donations will also support our seniors’ programs, which will enhance their quality of life, will help them stay healthy, independent, and actively engaged in their communities.

Give a little. Change someone’s life.

For more information or queries contact Harry Lee at, or call at 604-408-7228. Thank You!